
 A sign is something which has a meaning ( it stands for something). Signs can be devided into two types Signifier and Signified.
The sign is the whole that is the result of the association of the signifier with the signified. The combination of the signifier and the signified is called signification.

A sign in short represent something from seeing one thing it will make you think of a whole stereotype. An example of this in a short film would be shots of a gun makes you think of violence death and danger not love and romance so helping the viewer to build a picture up of the genre.

Semiotics is the study of signs some one who studies semiotics studies signs and there processes.


Risk Assessment

Risk ProblemSolution
Twigs on the floorInjury to selfTake care when running though the woods- plan the root that the actor will run before running. Take a phone to call for help incase some one does get hurt.
Branches to be scratched onHurting eyes or breakaing skin Take care and assess the area before setting out to film. Take platers and antisceptic wipes. and plasters
Weather conditions (Cold/Raining)  Getting cold being uncomfortable Take the proper rain clothing
Boggy underfoot Getting wet feet Wear correct footwear
Running Tripping up Look at the floor for where people will be running checking for roots
Filming in a tree Faling out Dont climb with the camera climb up and then pass the camera up
Filming with a fire arm Shooting someone by my mistake Make sure the guns chamber is empty
Actors with a fire arm Shooting some one by mistake Make sure they know how the handle the gun as to be safe with it


Textual Analysis The Hunger Games

Oddly enough there are lots of similarities between my chase film and the hunger games.
The location is the obvious one with it them both being set in a woodland area.
The whole scene when the games start is one big chase and peruse scene and uses non digetic sound with almost handheld camera shots however with very narrow depth of field as to make sure it didn't look amateur this works because it hold the subject is very sharp crisp focus against the background.
They use very fast paced editing with no transition it doesn't linger on one shot for more then 2 - 2 and a half seconds. This has the effect of keeping up the suspense and intensity however also represent the panic and motions which Katniss is going though. The lighting in my film and this film is both very light and bright which is normaly the representation of avery happy and safe place however this is not the scene in either of our films. Both films need carry a sense of urgancy and keep a fast paced feel this is becuase it portrays the actors feelings of panic and helps to keep it moving forward at a rapid pace with out it loosing momentum and becoming boring.



Continuity editing: The reason for continuity editing is to tie the whole film together so smoothing out   any discontinuity of the editing process and build a logical step by step process from shot to shot.

Shot reverse shot editing: The is the editing which links one when one person is talking to when when some one els is talking perhaps over the shoulder shots in a convocation.

No editing: This is effective of you want to give it a ammeter home movie look or wan to keep a really fast pace of editing as transitions take up time.

Parallel editing: (also known as Cross Cutting) Is the editing of two or more scene occoring at the same time normally. It builds tension it is often used when some one needs to get to a location in time to save one.

Transitions: By having a cretain transition from one scene to anther it sets the mood up for the next scene  if there is a bright flash of light to weater.


Location Shots

Location Shots
Here is the four main areas of woodland which I want to film in for the bulk of the chase scene the first shows where he will break out of the undergrowth then jumping the fence to the field scene. This will be a big wide open shot and will make the people seem very small and insignificant. The next shows the steam he will stumble though and the leg shooting scene will occur. The third will shows him all most free running style down a steep bank jumping and rolling off a fallen tree. The final one shows the woodland from which the chase will starts and where the secrete object is hidden. The conventions behind using this as my loaction give it a sense of isolation and mystery. This location is similar to the one used in the hunger games the spinning camera angles and breaking of the 180 degrees rule give it a  confusing and dangerous atmosphere. They also use POV shots which I have also it helps to relay the characters emotions to the viewer.


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