
Location Shots

Location Shots
Here is the four main areas of woodland which I want to film in for the bulk of the chase scene the first shows where he will break out of the undergrowth then jumping the fence to the field scene. This will be a big wide open shot and will make the people seem very small and insignificant. The next shows the steam he will stumble though and the leg shooting scene will occur. The third will shows him all most free running style down a steep bank jumping and rolling off a fallen tree. The final one shows the woodland from which the chase will starts and where the secrete object is hidden. The conventions behind using this as my loaction give it a sense of isolation and mystery. This location is similar to the one used in the hunger games the spinning camera angles and breaking of the 180 degrees rule give it a  confusing and dangerous atmosphere. They also use POV shots which I have also it helps to relay the characters emotions to the viewer.


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