
Audience Theory

I have shown my work so far to a few people and these are some short written piece of what they think of it so far.

So I like it, the acting is sharp and my favourite part was when the editing was perfect in terms of the gunshot and the guy reacting. I wasn't too sure on the scope effect, maybe zoom in a little to make it more realistic? Something about seeing the surroundings made it look slightly strange. Otherwise I think it's really good, Scott! I thought you were on-point with the editing and I was interested throughout.

Really like your film but i think the titles and fonts at the start could be more action and bigger and bolder and actiony and i really like the sound concept at about 2.40 but it just needs some minor work!

I find this really helpful becuase at the end of the day im not just making the film for my self im trying to make a film which will appeal to my audience will enjoy. So as a result knowing what they want plays as a huge advantage !!


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