
Research into film poster ancillary task

Generic Conventions

No more then 3/4 colours for the text fonts 1 of which normally link to the photo or background of the poster.

They tend to keep the number of words very minimal. Title of the film credits for the companies involve at the bottom reviews and possible a small catch phrase or something indicating what will happen.

The Photos for posters of a similar genre and style to mine tend to only use one person usually the hero of the film.

The font types for my genre also tend to be very block and type writer like not fancy or over the top.

The colours used for my genre also show a trend pink and bright green don't tend to be used they tend to be red white black. Blue is used in the transporter film poster and the bourn identity however it is a almost florescent blue but because of the other colours used it still implies the genre which it is.


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