
Relatable Films

The Hunger games - This film I have already talked about already. However the relatable elements from this film to my own are huge. To rename the main two they are both set in a very similar location as far as the physical environment with both being set in a woodland area. Another being that they use very fast paced edited and use jerky jumpy unsmooth filming techniques to as a way to translate the panic and severity of the situation from the characters to the viewer.
James Bond Casino Royal - Although the main bulk off this film is world away from what im trying to create the opening chase scene with two men on foot is very relatable. The fast pace not to over the top expositions and chaos is something I really do want to make so I do in my
The Bourn Identity
The Transporter - These two films don't have a chase quite like what im trying to base my film around however what they do do is have strong elements off a very gritty and man v man film some off the ways they do this is by using fast pace editing as well as low camera angles ( dramatic angles ) by shooting from varied angles it can make one person look more venerable and another more imposing.
The Matrix - This is a Si-Fi film so again very different in many ways however the use of lighting in this film is amazing by using a contrast of lighting from dark to light it can clearly show the difference of weather the fight is being won by either the villain or hero. The film also has an abundance of free running and special effects which I want to try and use however on a slightly smaller scale as to not attempt more then I am capable of doing.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant Scott! In the first sentence, delete the first 'already' and change 'rename' to 'name', 'edited' to 'editing' - hand held/POV camera work and jump cuts to create feeling of tension and /or confusion and breathlessness characteristic of the genre...instead of 'jumpy jerky' 'worlds' away not 'world' - re-read last sentence which isn't finished. Well done for saying the effects of chosen angles 'Vulnerable' not 'venerable'. Sci-fi not 'si-fi'. You need to proof read before you post, but this is the sort of linking piece you need to do.


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