
Media Research

1) How has 'doing Media Studies' affected the way you read/consume media products?

From studying media it has made me look at it from a flipped point of view. Rather then looking at it from a consumers point of view and instead looking at it from a producer/creators point of view. As a result it means I read much deeper into what has been done I.E. how something is presented and for what reasons it has been done is that way.

2)What is Web 2.0
Web 2.0 takes a normal static website page and makes it interactive allowing the user to interact with it an example of this would be scoial media such as Facebook/Twitter. Giving them a community environment in which they can interact discuss and topics.

3)What is Remix Culture
Remix Culture is a society that enables and encourages derivative works by merging or editing current material to assemble a new product.

4) The definition of Discourse is the use of verbal expression in either vocal or written text. An example of this would be a convocation or a book. Because of this media discourse is communicated thought using web 2.0s features such as social media and forms. Essentially a digitally based convocation.


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