

The term representation in media context means that something is shown in a certain light. This could be as simple as showing something to be good or bad or as complicated as trying to make you act upon something such as buying a product or forcing a view upon you.

The opening sequences of the James Bond film Casino Royal are of a fast pasted foot chase though the construction of a building. It shows the representation of James bond and the bomb maker as almost supper human The bomb maker with extreme talent and skill by shooting it from a way to show him doing all of it with true ease and James bond using brute for and ignorance. The over all way it is represented is to give it an atmosphere of a fasted paced dramatic chases scene in which two men have one focus and will go to any length to achieve it.

One of my all time favourites Heat is an action film about how a cop goes to the very edge to catch the criminals. The final scene are in the streets and then in a deserted air port its so simplistic with just two men and 1 gun. However it is more exciting then some of the chases where cars are exploding and building falling down and It is simple simplistic suspense that makes the film and what I want to make sure I achieve in my Film.

In my short film I want the genre to be primarily of action however and It cant be any thing else when it will be shot in broad day light. Although I want to try to incorporate some of the conventions horror films use to build mystery and suspicions and suspense and fear of the baddy. From doing this is let the viewer knows easily who the baddy is and make you feel as if the goody is in a greater deal of danger rather then how I feel many of the modern day action films loose the fear for the goody because we know they always win to by using some horror conventions to almost tease the viewer into thinking this might not be the standard action film good v baddy looses goody rides off into the sun set!


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