
Codes and Conventions

A code is a system of signs. A system of signs that are created in order to be decoded to revealed a code to the viewer.

Technical codes - These are the physical things which we choose and then do to effect the way the shot portrays what we are trying to say. Some of the things we can alter to do this is the lighting, framing/camera angles and costumes.

Verbal codes - This is effected by the words the writers choose to use when writing the script as well as the way in which the actors deliver them.

Codes are interpreted in different ways depending on the person who is viewing the media background. Weather they come from a very religious or nonreligious back ground or if they are very wealthy or not very wealthy etc etc can have a big impact on the way they choose to interpreted the codes. By playing on peoples backgrounds you can use it to help them to relate to it.


 Their is a man walking away silhouetted- against the background it is a low upwards looking shot. The camera angle giving the impression he is powerful and important while the lighting used to hide his identity makes him mysterious and untrustworthy. These kind of variations are down to the person interoperation which is effected by there background.  -


 The Conventions of a genre are the defining characteristics which differentiate one genre from another. An extreme example of this would be a rom-com which would ordinarily have very bright soft lighting while a horror would have very dark lighting used to only show certain areas of the shot to create tension.

 Three ways conventions are met

Technical-camera angles, movements and shots.


Audio-dialogue, music and non-diegetic sounds.


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