
Textual Analysis The Hunger Games

Oddly enough there are lots of similarities between my chase film and the hunger games.
The location is the obvious one with it them both being set in a woodland area.
The whole scene when the games start is one big chase and peruse scene and uses non digetic sound with almost handheld camera shots however with very narrow depth of field as to make sure it didn't look amateur this works because it hold the subject is very sharp crisp focus against the background.
They use very fast paced editing with no transition it doesn't linger on one shot for more then 2 - 2 and a half seconds. This has the effect of keeping up the suspense and intensity however also represent the panic and motions which Katniss is going though. The lighting in my film and this film is both very light and bright which is normaly the representation of avery happy and safe place however this is not the scene in either of our films. Both films need carry a sense of urgancy and keep a fast paced feel this is becuase it portrays the actors feelings of panic and helps to keep it moving forward at a rapid pace with out it loosing momentum and becoming boring.


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