
Risk Assessment

Risk ProblemSolution
Twigs on the floorInjury to selfTake care when running though the woods- plan the root that the actor will run before running. Take a phone to call for help incase some one does get hurt.
Branches to be scratched onHurting eyes or breakaing skin Take care and assess the area before setting out to film. Take platers and antisceptic wipes. and plasters
Weather conditions (Cold/Raining)  Getting cold being uncomfortable Take the proper rain clothing
Boggy underfoot Getting wet feet Wear correct footwear
Running Tripping up Look at the floor for where people will be running checking for roots
Filming in a tree Faling out Dont climb with the camera climb up and then pass the camera up
Filming with a fire arm Shooting someone by my mistake Make sure the guns chamber is empty
Actors with a fire arm Shooting some one by mistake Make sure they know how the handle the gun as to be safe with it


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